Please help me config check login true or login false with Google
I Need to check a list email:pass on google and must check from the list each line and if one login is good to be saved to another .txt file. (Also if you can implement proxies from file, will be great). Thx in advance for any help. This is a great tool for those who know how to use it. :(((
You need to add resource with type "LinesFromFile" which contains email:pass lines. Than use it in any action(Load, input text, etc) with Add resource button
is good to be saved to another .txt file
Check this tutorial if you can implement proxies from file, will be great)
Proxy from text file can be set by adding another resource and using it with "Proxy" action is a great tool for those who know how to use it. :(((
Thanks, a good place to start working with BAS is this tutorial