Bug Report
The problem is in reading integer values from a text file into BAS variable. I have attached the example file. Please look into it @administrators 0_1499941199738_test.xml
@niceusername plz explain detils of ur problem, and what u want to do.
Hi @NickyOktavian
I tried to read 2 integer values from a text file into 2 BAS variables named "MIN" and "MAX" and then used the "Random Number" function to generate a random number between 90 and 100 but the random number generated was not between 90 and 100.
In Random Number Function, If you put the values manually 90 and 100, then it will generate correct result but if you put the values by reading from a text file then there is some problem... screenshot: http://storage1.static.itmages.com/i/17/0713/h_1499957529_3788440_577ad21591.png
Please check the BAS file i have attached and see the random number generated by it.
@niceusername BAS read from file only string type of data.
You need to use parseInt() function for the data from file.
For example[[RAND]] = rand(parseInt([[MIN]]),parseInt([[MAX]])
@DrPrime Thank you very much it worked :)
Ручное управление браузером > закрыть браузер то ли не работает, то ли работает, но оставляет страницу открытой в конструкторе :)
@WhatOo так и должно быть. Это только в конструкторе. И лучше не писать в чужих темах, а создавать новые, но перед этим чекнуть форум на предмет решения, а так же внимательно посмотреть на названия разделов