BrowserAutomationStudio 17.8.0 has been released | Выпущена 17.8.0 версия BrowserAutomationStudio
Mouse movement params can be chnaged individual for every action or for all script.
New module iddle emulation, which just does random mouse movements on page and random page scrolling.
Fixed sms reg error TZID not applicable.
Fingerprint module can retry action several times.
Параметры перемещения мыши могут быть заданы индивидуально для каждого действия или для всего сценария.
Новое действие эмуляция бездействия, которая просто делает случайные движения мыши и случайную прокрутку страницы.
Исправлена ошибка TZID not applicable при работе с sms-reg.
Модуль смены отпечатка может делать несколько запросов перед ошибкой и выводить сообщения об ошибке.
Hey i have some problem while automating Is there any configuration to change browser? it seems that the otohits webviewer doesnt start , it seems like there is a problem with javascript not properly working.
Hi, what error do you get there?
I checked it out and it seems to work fine for me.
But I'm not 100% sure hwo this site works.
The problem comes when i click start button. It just gets stuck on surf security window(the screen where it checks if java-script is enabled and your browser is up to date). After every 30 seconds it just seems to restart security window instead of showing websites.
It seems to work if you first login with in browser manually with the desired IP , and complete verification .
I will post a full thread tomorrow with detailed explanation.
@namansha Ok, will wait for detailed explanation