Unable to load spotify web player !
I can't confirm that. I've recorded video to show on how this works. Please double check, that you did everything correctly.
Many thanks for solving this . i used the same setup , don't know why player wasn't loading .
@support , now that widevine cdm is enabled by default in BAS 20.5.0, i am still unable to load web player and still getting error.
Here is what is did
- --enable-widevine-cdm (by default now )
- created C:\temp\cache folder .
- --cache-path=c:\temp\cache
- Enabled webrtc in browser setting as shown in video .
It worked for once and now that its already fixed in BAS, iam unable to load webplayer in version 20.5.0. Can you please take a look once again if possible ?
@andy231 In new version you only need to enab;e webrtc in settings. Try to reload BAS
@support Already tried it multiple times still no success . Even tried with older version but no success . However, last time C:\temp was populated with some .dat files when spotify web player worked for first time . But now , every time i am getting same error. I have double checked i am enabling webrtc in settings.
Still waiting for help @support
@support Here is a video of error i am getting https://youtu.be/k-kTxydYwRA
@andy231 Having same error, this thing seems to be pretty unstable. Trying to find the solution.
@andy231 Looking for solution
ya unstable.... same thing worked for once .
Please is there any workaround for this yet
I think the issue has to do with Protected Content Settings (DRM) which has to be enabled otherwise it still shows the same error
The reason is component update service which runs inside chrome and updates Widevine plugin to hte latest version, which is not tested with current chrome version. Or does something else, I don't know how it works. Thats why it can just stop working on all BAS versions at some time.
You can try to put correct dll versions to AppData\Local\CEF\WidevineCDM (this one for example https://www.dropbox.com/s/6gocywbeub7jmn7/WidevineCdm.zip?dl=0 ) but that doesn't help for me at least.
I'll try to get rid of that service and ship next verwsion with that plugin and without service.
However, this is plugin is for vieweing protected data and probably saves unique keys of your system, your fingerprint or something like this and expose your identity even if you are using vpn, proxy, etc.
Thanks for the update. i will try using correct dll . I suppose disabling webrtc , will expose original ip and as for fingerprint ...i am using fingerprint service. Thanks again for your help and will be waiting for next release.
@andy231 were you able to find a solution?
Has anyone found a way around this problem, i am losing a lot of Spotify Bots jobs due to this problem
@belvacruiz sent you a message.
@andy231 Do you have a solution?
@kain Wait for update or use Multilogin